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Abbiamo pubblicato 68 documenti correlati con il tag sfft

Pagina 1 di 7

 SFFT Software Suite 1.0 - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Windows XP/Vista/7
SFFT Software Suite is an all-in-one solution for the installation, the configuration, and the tweaking of 3dfx Voodoo cards. SFFT Software Suite includes the latest SFFT Driver release (v. 1.9 at this moment) as well as the latest SFFT Voodoo Tools and it's available in two packages for 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Microsoft Windows XP, Windows...»

 3dfx Hardware Setup & Tweaking: SFFT Voodoo Tools
SFFT Voodoo Tools is the new control panel of the SFFT drivers for 3dfx Voodoo video cards. SFFT Voodoo Tools runs automatically by Windows startup and is available in two packages for both 32-bit and 64-bit hardware and software configurations. SFFT Voodoo Tools has new graphical user interface and allows to manage a wide range of SFFT driver...»

 3dfx Updates: SFFT 1.9 Driver - Voodoo 3/4/5 - Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
The latest driver for your 3dfx Voodoo cards is here: are you ready to try it? The new SFFT 1.9 driver is based on the SFFT Unified Architecture; so it supports all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 based products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 cards. SFFT...»

 3dfx Updates: SFFT 1.8 Driver - Voodoo 3/4/5 - 2000/XP/Vista/7
The latest driver for your 3dfx Voodoo cards is here: are you ready to download and try it? The new SFFT 1.8 driver is based on the Unified Architecture; then it supports all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 based products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000...»

 3dfx Voodoo Tuning & Tweaking: SFFT Tools - Windows x86/x64
SFFT Tools is the native control panel of SFFT driver for 3dfx Voodoo video cards; its main goal is to allow users to simply set up several driver settings and improve the hardware performances or the graphics quality or both. For example, by SFFT Tool you can choose the sample's number of anti-aliasing filter and the 3D Filter Quality, or enable...»

 3dfx Updates: SFFT 1.7 Driver - Voodoo 3/4/5 - 2000/XP/Vista/7
The latest driver for your 3dfx Voodoo cards is here: are you ready to download and try it? The new SFFT 1.7 driver is based on the Unified Architecture; then it supports all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 based products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000...»

 3dfx Updates: SFFT 1.6 Driver - Voodoo 3/4/5 - 2000/XP/Vista/7
After 1.5 release, it's time of new SFFT 1.6 driver. This software is based on Unified Architecture supporting by one package all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 cards, is on line. It's requires a 3dfx card as a primary...»

 3dfx Updates: SFFT 1.5 Driver - Voodoo 3/4/5 - 2000/XP/XP64
After 1.4 release, it's time of new SFFT 1.5 driver. This software is based on Unified Architecture supporting by one package all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 cards, is on line. It's requires a 3dfx card as a primary...»

 3dfx Updates: SFFT 1.4 Driver - Voodoo 3/4/5 - 2000/XP/XP64
After 1.3 release, it's time of new SFFT 1.4 driver. This software is based on Unified Architecture supporting by one package all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 cards, is on line. It's requires a 3dfx card as a primary...»

 3dfx Updates: SFFT 1.3 Driver - Voodoo 3/4/5 - 2000/XP/XP64
After 1.2 release, it's time of new SFFT 1.3 driver. This software is based on Unified Architecture supporting by one package all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 cards, is on line. It's requires a 3dfx card as a primary...»

 Pagina Successiva

Free Audio & Multimedia Windows Players: foobar2000 2.1.5 - Windows 11 Ready
Free Benchmark & Testing Information Utilities: Futuremark SystemInfo 5.72
Con RDNA 4 AMD potrebbe introdurre funzionalità ray tracing competamente nuove
Archive Management & Backup Utilities: WinZip 28.0 - 64-bit Systems Only
System Information & Windows Tools: USB Device Tree Viewer 4.2.3 - Bug fixing
YouTube Gameplay: Painkiller | Havok Physics Engine | Gameplay Footage #2
Philips introduce il gaming monitor Evnia 49M2C8900 con pannello OLED QD curvo
ASUS annuncia la data di lancio dei suoi notebook con SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon X
NVIDIA rilascia il package Linux x64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 550.78
MiTeC System Information X 5.0.0 visualizza le specifiche hardware del PC
FastCopy 5.7.7 copia file e directory, e sincronizza in modalità incrementale
Privacy Eraser 6.6.3 protegge la privacy degli utenti di Microsoft Windows
Personal Backup crea backup di file e dati anche in formato compresso
HDD & SSD - Monitoring & Information Utilities: CrystalDiskInfo 9.3.0 [Portable]
Le GeForce RTX 4070 con GPU AD103 esistono e la conferma arriva da GPU-Z
Free Antivirus & Antimalware Utilities: Trellix Stinger [Portable]
GPU & Vulkan APIs | Information Tools: Vulkan Hardware Capability Viewer 3.40
System & Hardware Tools: SIW (System Information for Windows) 2024 14.1.0417a
Internet Utilities: Free Download Manager 6.22 - HTTPS, FTP, Bittorrent Ready
The Linux Kernel Organization rilascia il Linux Kernel 6.8.8: info e download
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Futuremark SystemInfo 5.72
Futuremark SystemInfo 4.28
WinZip 28.0
Painkiller | Havok Physics Engine | Gameplay Footage #2
NVIDIA Linux X64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 550.78
MiTeC System Information X 5.0.0
Vulkan Hardware Capability Viewer 3.40
SIW (System Information for Windows) 2024 14.1.0417a
Prime95 30.19 build 14 - Mac OS X
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