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Pubblicità NVIDIA: HP offre la tecnologia Tesla con la workstation HP Z800 Ultime News
Notizia pubblicata in data: 04.08.2009
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Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato NVIDIA ha annunciato l'adozione, da parte di Hewlett-Packard (HP), della tecnologia Tesla per l'equipaggiamento della nuova workstation di fascia alta siglata HP Z800 e collocata nel segmento dei sistemi per high performance computing (HPC).

Più in dettaglio, il noto system builder statunitense ha reso disponibile una configurazione hardware basata sul chipset Intel 5520 e sul processore quad-core Intel Xeon 5500 e che può includere fino a due gpu dotate di supporto per NVIDIA Tesla, una feature legata al parallelismo offerto dalla architettura NVIDIA CUDA.

NVIDIA promette con Tesla una potenza ed una capacità di calcolo tali da soddisfare tutte le possibili esigenze che sono tipiche degli attuali ambiti enterprise, dalla ricerca scientifica al design industriale, dalla animazione 3D allo studio e al monitoring dei fenomeni sismici.

La workstation HP Z800 è già sul mercato.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

SANTA CLARA, CA - AUGUST 3, 2009 - NVIDIA today announced that HP’s most powerful and expandable workstation - the HP Z800 Workstation - is now configurable with up to two NVIDIA Tesla graphics processing units (GPUs), another key indicator of the demand being seen for GPUs in the high performance computing (HPC) space.

Enterprises that rely on HP workstations to accelerate their work in fields ranging from scientific research and industrial design, to 3D animation and seismic exploration, can now reap the benefits of NVIDIA Tesla GPUs and tackle demanding computational workloads right at the desktop.

Based on the massively parallel NVIDIA CUDA architecture, Tesla GPUs are taking the high performance computing (HPC) industry by storm, delivering performance increases to critical codes across multiple fields.

In molecular dynamics, AMBER, a public research code with more than 60,000 users, has been written to leverage the massively parallel CUDA architecture to deliver a 50X speed up of simulations. The result is faster scientific insights for researchers. In finance, Numerix and CompatibL have announced CUDA support for a new Counterparty Risk application of their Numerix 7 analytics solution used by over 375 financial institutions. This derivatives pricing application is today experiencing an 18X boost in performance in the calculation of complex pricing models with NVIDIA GPUs.

“The adoption of Tesla GPUs is the fastest of any new processor technology in the history of HPC1,” said Andy Keane, general manager of Tesla business at NVIDIA. “We are delighted to see a leader such as HP begin to ship Tesla GPU-enabled systems into the market and to help accelerate the work of their customers.”

“HP’s workstation customers are professionals at the top of their game, pushing the limits of technology, for more creativity and innovation than ever before,” said Jeff Wood, director of worldwide marketing, Workstations, HP. “The NVIDIA Tesla GPU takes our flagship Z workstations to extreme heights for floating point intensive applications.”

The HP Z800 workstation is available today at For more information on NVIDIA Tesla GPU Computing solutions, please visit:

News Source: NVDIA Press Release

Tag: hp  |  nvidia  |  tecnologia  |  tesla  |  workstation

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