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Pubblicità OCZ lancia le DDR2 PC2-5400 Titanium AM2 Special Edition Ultime News
Notizia pubblicata in data: 09.05.2007
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OCZ Technology Group ha annunciato, mediante il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, le prime memorie al mondo in architettura RAM DDR2 ottimizzate per le piattaforme AM2 di AMD. I moduli (cfr. foto seguente) sono siglati PC2-5400 Titanium AM2 Special Edition ed esibiscono il profilo di timing CL5-5-5-15 in condizioni operative caratterizzate da una frequenza di lavoro pari a 667Mhz.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

In accordo alle dichiarazioni del produttore, questi moduli sono stati progettati per ottimizzare le prestazioni dei sistemi AM2 based con applicazioni di CAD model e video processing, oltrechè (naturalmente) per il 3D gaming.

Le memorie PC2-5400 AM2 Special Edition saranno disponibili inizialmente in kit da 4Gb (2x2Gb) per le configurazioni in dual-channel: ogni modulo è stabilizzato mediante il classico cooling system in tecnologia XTC (Xtreme Thermal Convection), tipico di OCZ, il cui design massimizza la dissipazione del calore verso l'ambiente.

Sunnyvale, Calif.—May 7, 2007—OCZ Technology Group, a worldwide leader in innovative, ultra-high performance and high reliability memory, today unveiled a unique memory kit for AMD enthusiasts and power users. The new PC2-5400 Titanium modules were designed exclusively for the AMD AM2 platform and are custom-tailored to the extended column address range of the AM2 memory controller. With a doubled page size, access penalties are reduced to ultimately improve system performance. Used on the AM2 platform, the architecture of these modules is particularly beneficial for large CAD model processing and memory intense graphics applications such as filters in Adobe Photoshop or video processing.

Determined to seek new ways of achieving greater system performance, OCZ developed the innovative Titanium AM2 Special kits to leverage AMD’s sophisticated DDR2 platform for enhanced real world computing experience. With 11 column address bit support by the AM2 memory controller, the number of addresses in each row or page can be as high as 2048 individual entries for a page size of 16kbit. Unlike modules based on standard 10-bit column address chips with an “8k” page size, the new Titanium AM2 Special modules take advantage of the AM2 controller’s feature set and provide a single rank solution with 2GB density using “16k” pages. This allows the controller to stay “in page” twice as long compared to standard memory architectures, thereby achieving unparalleled performance.

“The biggest difference between synthetic memory benchmarks and real world applications is that only a fraction of memory requests falls into open memory pages,” commented Dr. Michael Schuette, VP of Technology Development at OCZ Technology. "Even in page hit situations, larger size data transfers are hitting page boundaries, resulting page switching penalties and performance degradation. The new AM2 Special series uses twice the page size of standard memory, thereby greatly increasing the number of continuous page hits and delivering real world performance above and beyond any comparable memory solution at similar nominal rating.”

The PC2-5400 AM2 Special modules will be initially available in 4GB (2x2048MB) dual channel kits and are optimized for 64-bit operating systems. Each module is 100% hand-tested for quality assurance and compatibility and feature high quality, titanium-mirrored XTC (Xtreme Thermal Convection) heatspreaders for the most effective heat dissipation. As part of OCZ’s line-up of premium memory, the AM2 Special series is backed by a Lifetime Warranty and industry-leading technical support for unparalleled peace of mind.

For more information on the PC2-5400 Titanium AM2 Special Edition, please visit our product page here.

News Source: OCZ Technology Group Press Release

Tag: am2  |  ddr2  |  ocz  |  pc2-5400  |  titanium

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