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Pubblicità Informazioni e Release Notes del file: Radeon Omega Drivers 4.8.442 Ultime News
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What's New in Omega Drivers?

[*] Based on the Catalyst 7.12 Official drivers.

[*] Major video card support rewrite from scratch. This time every Radeon card under the sun should be supported, if the divers don't install on your card you either have a freak of nature card or a card too new that not even the ATI has support for it. ;) (Many thanks to all the people that sent their unsupported IDs)

[+] Added support for desktop HD3k Series and laptop HD2k Series.

[+] Experimental Gamma settings. Now whatever gamma setting you set on your desktop should pass on to your 3D applications. (tested with Adobe Gamma)

[+] The "temporary" fix for AGP cards still included. Waiting for ATI releases an official fix... *sigh*

[*] Upgraded installer to reflect logo/site changes.

[*] Upgraded drivers to v4 because of the previous details, plus thanks to a new install method I found, reduced the driver's size by a lot without loosing any features or options.

Known Issues:
1) After installing the drivers you will notice that they give you version number 3.8.442 instead or 4.8.442, no need to worry, is just a typo, sorry about that, I added the new version number when I was building the new installer and totally forgot about the driver build, since it was already compiled.

2) For the 2D->3D gamma trick to work properly you must NOT run CCC (if you have it installed); when CCC is open it forces it's own gamma settings overriding any gamma you have set using a 3rd party tool. If you happen to open CCC by mistake, in order to recover the gamma correction values, you only need to run whatever gamma program you use and gamma should be back to your settings again.

3) Since Overscan has been from the drivers, if you need to connect your PC to a regular TV that DOES need overscan in order to view it properly, you need to install the official CCC Control Panel from ATI after my drivers so you have access to the new "scaling" feature and scale the overscan to fit your needs.

4) From Cat 6.6 and up ATI removed driver-level support for the following series of cards (including Mobility models): Radeon 7k, 8k, 9k-9250 Series. Since the Omega Drivers use ATI drivers as a base, that means they will also not include support for these chipsets, they may install, but the PC may give you a BSOD or a black screen upon boot, install newer drivers at your own risk. People that need to install Omega Drivers on these cards should use v3.8.252 or older, you can get these on the Archive section of my site.

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