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Pubblicità Informazioni e Release Notes del file: jv16 PowerTools X 2017 Ultime News
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Bug Fixes

Fix: The software's executables are again signed with a code signing certificate (the previous certificate expired).
Fix: Pictures AntiSpy can display an error message about EFOpenError (in the case it cannot access a picture file).
Fix: The Main Window can display an error message "Control pnlHomeHost has no parent window."
Fix: The Clean and SpeedUp My Computer can dispay an EAccessViolation error message when fixing the found errors.
Fix: When jv16 PowerTools is installed, it's possible the GUI mode in Quick Tutorial will have neither options selected by default.
Fix: Fixed a typo from the English User Interface that said "Licensesd" instead of "Licensed".
Fix: The Clean And SpeedUp My Computer can display an error message relating to "edb.chk" file.
Fix: The Clean And SpeedUp My Computer can go back and forth between the "Performing final analysis" and the list of currently running scan modules.
Fix: Using the software with a translation, especially German, can make some of the tab caption texts not to be fully displayed due to lack of space on screen.
Fix: Find My Licenses tool can display an incorrect date of the license purchase for very old order (before 2016).
Fix: My Account and Find My License tools can in some rare cases display a data download error even if there is a valid internet connection.
Fix: Opening the Main Window can display an Access Violation error message relating to GetItemCount.

Feature Improvements

Improvement: The Initial Setup runs up to 30% faster.
Improvement: The Software Uninstaller runs up to 20% faster.
Improvement: The Clean and SpeedUp My Computer runs up to 5% faster.
Improvement: In the case user attempts to license the software with an incorrect name, such as only using their first name or a nickname, the software now displays a better error message. We require our users to use their full name when licensing the software. If you have licensed the software with a nickname or with your first name only, please contact our support to add your full name to record so you can use the software correctly.
Improvement: The software will automatically clean old debug data saved to its Backups folder.
Improvement: Improved compatibility with Roxio and Corel products.
Improvement: The Clean and SpeedUp My Computer will now display an additional confirmation before restarting user's computer. Before, a tick in a checkbox was enough to confirm the computer restart which could cause an unwanted system reboot.
Improvement: The software now automatically scans the computer for any temporary files created and accidentally left over by jv16 PowerTools itself.

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Free Benchmark & Testing Information Utilities: Futuremark SystemInfo 5.72
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Archive Management & Backup Utilities: WinZip 28.0 - 64-bit Systems Only
System Information & Windows Tools: USB Device Tree Viewer 4.2.3 - Bug fixing
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MiTeC System Information X 5.0.0 visualizza le specifiche hardware del PC
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HDD & SSD - Monitoring & Information Utilities: CrystalDiskInfo 9.3.0 [Portable]
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