lunedì 06 maggio 2024 04:22mobile    |    |    |    |    |    |    | 
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Pubblicità Informazioni e Release Notes del file: Longhorn Transformation Pack X Ultime News
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-Added 64-bit operating system blocking (no working method on 32-bit process right now)
-Added few delay (about 2.5 seconds) in some tasks to make it done before doing next task (which I assume it solve some issues)
-Added localized operation system support (works on every language files!)
-Added Longhorn M9 Bliss, Keynote Glass and Keynote Grass wallpapers
-Added Longhorn PDC screensaver
-Added new 6 Longhorn fonts from build 5048
-Added Windows Server 2003 SP1 support for patching uxtheme.dll
-Added Windows XP 16-bit application execution fix in some cases that found this issue
-Fixed failing to apply SideBar skins bug
-Fixed failing to check previous service pack before transforming issues
-Fixed first-run transforming insecure operations
-Fixed losing transforming information after transforming bug
-Fixed patching system files to run in first-run transforming
-Fixed restoring original folder sources name bug in "Previous operation imcompleted." process
-Fixed taskkill.exe error by adding taskkill.exe file into program
-Remove precaching files replacement (I added delay now so what's worth for it?)
-Replaced M5 boot screen with WinHEC boot screen
-Temporary remove MSN Messenger 7 Longhorn skins
-Updated some Longhorn boot screen resources from build 5048
-Updated Longhorn icons from build 5048
-Updated Longhorn SideBar 5.0 Update
-Added SideBar application core with the follow updates
-Apply skins and clocks from tray
-Built-in transparency support
-No more active desktop to slow down your PC
-No more background icon transparent and 32-bit icon problems in XP/2003
-SideBar Docking support (take up workspace)
-To show SideBar, double click tray icon
-Toggle Show/Hide SideBar
-Added Western (By Scott Eichelberger)
-Corrected month December in Tile mode
-Updated memo to be direct editable memo in program
-Updated SideBar gui displaying code
-Updated slideshow to search for all files and display it (read notes.txt)
-Updated Start Panel text image in Classic mode
-Updated Transformation mode instructions
-Updated WinHEC progress dialog and Logon to WinHEC2005 (build 5048)
-Updated WinHEC toolbarbutton in small button mode like 5048 (same back/forward size)

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System Information & Windows Tools: USB Device Tree Viewer 4.2.3 - Bug fixing
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MiTeC System Information X 5.0.0 visualizza le specifiche hardware del PC
FastCopy 5.7.7 copia file e directory, e sincronizza in modalità incrementale
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GPU Shark 2.3.0 [Portable]
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WinZip 28.0
Painkiller | Havok Physics Engine | Gameplay Footage #2
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