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Contenuti associati al tag: voodoo5 | Pagina 4

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 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 - Max Payne 2 - Windows XP
On line su 3dfxzone nuovi screenshot del gioco Max Payne 2 eseguito su Voodoo5 ed una tutorial di Amigamerlin per la configurazione di questo gioco con le schede 3dfx basate sul chip grafico VSA-100. Buona lettura a partire da questa pagina. On 3dfxzone new Max Payne 2 screenshots and setup tutorial are in line: Amigamerlin explains how to...
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 Small updates for 3dfx Voodoo4 and Voodoo5 bios page
On 3dfxzone two other files are on line: tdfx bios editor and Voodoo5 5500 PCI DVI rom. The first is a good 3dfx Voodoo4 and Voodoo5 bios editor. It requires bin or rom file in input. The second is a rom for V5 PCI, very useful to give x86 compatibility to Mac Voodoo5 cards. Grab these here ...
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 Call of Duty Dawnville with 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 PCI and Mesa 5.1
Amigamerlin has put on line at 3dfxzone IT board some frames of Call of Duty Dawnville, a fine OpenGL based first person shooter, using latest beta of Mesa 5.1 together his AM 3.0 XP driver and AMD 3000+ processor. Amigamerlin ha pubblicato su forumzone alcuni screenshot del gioco Call of Duty Dawnville, uno sparatutto in prima persona basato su...
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 3dfx Voodoo5 6000: newer movie by Cosworth6k
Nuova versione, rivisitata ed ottimizzata nello streaming audio e video, del precedente filmato dedicato alla Voodoo5 6000 inviataci da Corworth6k, intraprendente appassionato di 3dfx e moderatore del nostro forum in lingua italiana. Newer version, with some video and audio streaming optimizations, of previous Cosworth6k movie about Voodoo5...
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