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Release Notes - Google Earth Pro

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Google Earth Pro
Google Earth Pro release notes:
  • Google Earth Pro is a minor update designed to address specific issues encountered by a few users of Google Earth Pro If Google Earth Pro is working correctly for you, there is no need to reinstall or update your copy of Google Earth Pro.
Google Earth Pro bug fixes:
  • Windows: fix mechanism for detecting incompatible graphics cards; this should help users with the "black globe" issue switch over to DirectX automatically.
  • New Google Earth Pro installs/updates will first check to see if a folder for "My Places" has already been set by Google Earth "Free", and use that if it's present: This should prevent further incidents of "lost" "My Places" for users upgrading (or being upgraded) from Google Earth "Free" to Google Earth Pro. Users who have already been affected by the above issue, once running Google Earth Pro, may be able to resolve it by using the Repair Tool to reset their Google Earth Pro settings:

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