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3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Download Heretic II Demo

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19.01.2022 - 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Download Heretic II Demo

Heretic II is a third-person action game developed by Raven Software and published by Activision in 1998.

Heretic II official screenshot [1/2]

Using the Quake II engine, Heretic II plunges you into a deep, compelling game combining brutal face-to-face combat and mystery-laden adventure in the most advanced graphics engine yet.

Heretic II official screenshot [2/2]

From a third person perspective, gamers travel through complex, richly detailed environments filled with stunning special effects, wicked magic spells, detailed characters, vivid artwork and challenging level designs created by the Raven team and reknowned fantasy artist Brom.

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