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Release Notes - NovaBench 5.5.0

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NovaBench 5.5.0
Novabench 5.5 is our most significant v5 update yet. It includes a brand-new test report, making it easier to understand if your computer is performing as it should.

The test report expands the online comparison toolset by integrating a comprehensive pass/warn/fail checklist for a more detailed system performance analysis.


Adds Test Report with Pass/Warn/Fail checklist: Quickly evaluate key performance aspects of your system:

  • System Rank: Comparative percentile ranking of your system against all tested systems.
  • CPU Performance: Assessment of CPU score, clock speed, temperature, and power consumption.
  • GPU Performance: Evaluation of GPU score, potential bottlenecks, frame stuttering, temperature, and power consumption.


As always, we welcome your feedback and look forward to bringing more enhancements to the test report in future updates!

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